Masterclasses using neurography

Neurography is an eco-friendly method for deep self-awareness, the development of new neural connections, and achieving harmony, all while enjoying the process.

In just 1-2 hours, you will be able to dive into your subconscious and find the root causes of problems, internal blocks, the true reasons for your states and situations, as well as uncover your true desires, resources, and solutions.

We offer individual sessions and group masterclasses in neurography, either with an excursion outside the city or in our cozy school in Jelgava!

Neurography masterclasses are not only an engaging process but also a unique method for working with your requests, providing fast and high-quality results. Neurography is a gentle and eco-friendly transformation method at the deep levels of consciousness and the subconscious, and most importantly, the process is enjoyable!

Neurography sessions involve working through a special algorithm in the form of an individually created drawing. In just 1-2 hours, you will be able to dive into your subconscious and find the root causes of problems, internal blocks, the true reasons for your states and situations, as well as uncover your true desires, resources, and solutions. The key is that all the answers will be YOURS, making the transformation process fast and effective.

What does Neurography give?

  • A new vision of yourself, your life, and situations
  • The ability to create focal points that lead to harmony and abundance
  • The formation of new neural connections
  • Immersion into the amazing world of self-awareness and transformation

In this amazing journey, I will accompany you, Katrina, the founder of the New-You school:

  • Psychotherapist and NLP trainer with the International and American Federation
  • Certified coach in relationships and belief work
  • Specialist in hypnotherapy, metaphorical associative cards (MAC), Gestalt therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

Ready to open a new future in abundance, harmony, and happiness?

Formats of sessions and masterclasses:

Private sessions

This is work based on Katrina Dar's personally developed methodology, which combines NLP, coaching, and psychotherapy techniques through neurography. This approach allows you to dive deeper into your request and find personalized solutions.

Group sessions

Group masterclasses in small groups of like-minded people, from 3 to 9 participants. This is an opportunity to not only work on your requests but also to recharge with the group's energy, gain new experiences, and receive support.

Workshop topics


A symbol of inner harmony and rebirth. This masterclass is aimed at revealing the beauty and strength of your inner "flower" developing intuition, and deepening self-awareness.

Gentle snow

A masterclass dedicated to the feeling of lightness and renewal. Neurography techniques will help you relieve stress, feel the softness and warmth of winter inspiration, and uncover your inner harmony.

Shamanic Rain

An immersion into the world of cleansing and renewal through the metaphor of rain. You will learn ways to release the old and embrace the new, using unique elements of shamanic tradition in neurography.

Ikigai Model

In this masterclass, you will explore the harmony of your inner world and achieve balance by connecting with the concept of "Ikigai" – your purpose and meaning in life. Neurography techniques will help activate your inner resources and visualize the path to a conscious life.


An immersion into the symbolism of the tree as a source of life energy. Through neurographic drawings, you will create an image of resilience, growth, and strength to strengthen your life foundation and open new horizons.

Course "Beauty of the Body"

A 3-day intensive course dedicated to body perception through neurography. You will learn to finely tune into the signals of your body, release tension and blocks, and create images of health, strength, and your desired body shape. The practices of the course will help connect your inner state with your outer form, improving both the quality of life and your body. The intensive course helps align your body and mind with the desired result, such as shedding a few pounds.