
Webinars by the Specialists of Our School, Psychotherapist and Founder Katrina Dar and Psychologist Alexandra Korolkova.

The New You Transformational Psychology School webinars offer a unique opportunity to undergo transformation without leaving your home. Each webinar will be conducted live, with the option to watch the recording at any convenient time.

Webinars will be held every three weeks. This is an excellent opportunity to dive into relevant and important topics such as "Secrets of Self-Love," "How to Let Go of the Perfectionist Syndrome," "The Road to Healing," "How to Avoid the Traps of Abusive Relationships," "Inner Strength: How to Find and Preserve Your Boundaries," "Food Addiction," and many others.

You will gain valuable knowledge and practices that will help you in self-development and solving personal issues. Join our online community and take the path of transformation with us!

Price - 35 EUR

Webinar Topics:

  1. Secrets of Self-Love: How to Become Your Main Ally

  2. From Perfectionism to Acceptance: How to Let Go of the “Good Girl Syndrome”

  3. Self-Confidence: Steps to Inner Strength

  4. The Path to Yourself: How to Love Your Uniqueness

  5. Childhood Wounds: How the Past Affects the Present

  6. Free Yourself from the Burden of Childhood Trauma

  7. The Road to Healing: How to Process the Pain of the Past

  8. Rewriting the Life Script: Stepping into the Desired Future

  9. Abuse: How to Recognize, Leave, and Recover

  10. Breaking the Cycle of Toxic Relationships

  11. How to Avoid the Traps of Abusive Relationships

  12. Inner Strength: How to Find and Preserve Your Boundaries

  13. Liberation from Old Roles: A New Perspective on Yourself

  14. Manipulation and How to Recognize It

  15. NLP and Relationships

  16. Conflictology: How to Learn to Resolve Conflicts Effectively

  17. Personality Typology and Its Influence on Relationships: How to Understand and Accept Your Loved Ones

  18. What Are Addictions and How to Overcome Them

  19. Food Addiction

  20. Anxiety: Its Causes and Pathway to a New You

  21. A Little Bit of Spice: Sexology and How to Keep the Spark in Relationships

Dates of the upcoming webinars

Announcement of the next webinar will be available on our Instagram. Stay tuned for the details!